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fish , and turtles , snails frogs, and tadpoles

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Q: What animals feed on this Algae?
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Which animal feed on algae and other animals?

Fishes and other aquatic animals can feed algae and other small aquatic creatures.

What consumers feed on algae?

There are many different animals that eat algae. A few of these are frogs, aquatic insects and fish. These water animals would not be able to survive without algae.

What is the food of small fish?

Plankton, algae. They also feed on the decaying corpses of other fish and animals in the water.

Why do animals depend on algae?

algae is the reason why the world is as it is. The first form of life was algae, they took in carbon dioxide and turned it into the oxygen we still breathe today. As oxygen entered our atmosphere animal life began and so without it we wouldn't be around. Even today it gives us the essential oxygen vital to us and other animals.

What eats a regal tang?

regal tangs feed on zooplankton, marine animals, brine or chopped shrimp and algae. They're favourite is zooplankton. Adults enjoy algae more than juvenilles.

What do protist eat?

The protists that are like animals feed on other protozoa, amoebas, and algae.

Do bee's ever feed off of algae?

No, bees don't feed off algae.

How does golden algae feed?

golden algae does not feed, it only grows with the amount of water.

What do mosquitoes feed on?

Mosquito larvae, commonly known as wrigglers or wigglers, feed on bacteria, algae and microscopic animals.

What does the queen conch eat?

conch are herbivores(animals that eat only plants). feed on algae(their favorite is laurencia) found on seagrass,rocks,sand and on the seabottom. they feed at night when it is safer from predators

What is a major resource for food that has not been fully utilized?

algae or seaweed, also cereals are fed to animals to make meat. This is a very inefficient way to feed a population,feed the cereals to the people.

What does a snail feed on?

Algae, so you don't really need to feed them as they "feed" themselves.