

What crimes did Poseidon do?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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as many as any of the other gods. all three brothers, zeus, poseiden and hades, fostered illegitimate children with mortals on a regular basis

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Did Poseidon commit any crimes?

Poseidon raped multiple women

Did Poseidon have any crimes committed?

In Greek mythology, Poseidon was sometimes associated with causing disasters such as earthquakes and storms, but these were not considered crimes in the same way humans commit crimes. Poseidon's actions were usually seen as part of his role as the god of the sea and earthquakes.

What kind of crimes did Poseidon do?

he made horse

What crimes has Poseidon committed?

In Greek mythology, Poseidon is associated with acts of violence and misconduct, such as causing storms, flooding lands, and seducing or punishing mortals. He famously participated in the competition that led to the Trojan War by supporting the Greeks after being offended by the Trojans. Overall, his actions often reflect his temperament as a powerful and sometimes vengeful deity.

What was Poseidon's crimes?

Poseidon sleep with Medusa and made her a monster the if you look in her eyes u will turn into stone and she has snakes for hair

Did poseidon have any flaws crimes behaviors that caused him trouble?

Yes, Poseidon was known for his quick temper and vengeful nature, which often led him to conflict with both gods and mortals. One of his most famous acts of retaliation was flooding the land of Troy because he was not chosen as the favored deity in a competition. His actions often brought him into conflict with other gods and even led to punishment from Zeus.

What is Poseidon's significant actions and crimes?

going back to the mortal world to visit his son when fobiden

What are the crimes that the Greek god Poseidon did?

Raped Medusa in the temple of Athena. Athena then blamed Medusa because it happened in her temple and turned her into the hideous gorgon that she is known for being.

What were Poseidon crimes?

Poseidon's most know crime was sleeping with Medusa in Athena's temple, this enraged Athena and then turned Medusa into a horrible beast that if you looked into her eyes you turned to stone, snakes as hair and instead of legs she had a snake tail. In doing this Athena was making sure no one would ever look at medusa again.

What is the name of the Greek god Poseidon?

Poseidon's Greek name was Poseidon. Poseidon's Roman name was Neptune.

Why is Poseidon honored?

he is poseidon

Is Poseidon god of gods?

No, Zeus is. Poseidon is god of the sea