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Behavior is considered abnormal when it deviates significantly from cultural norms, causes distress or dysfunction for the individual, impairs their ability to function effectively in daily life, or poses a risk to themselves or others. Additionally, factors such as the context in which the behavior occurs, its duration, and its intensity are also taken into account when determining abnormality.

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Q: What criteria are used to determine whether behavior is abnormal?
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What are the criteria for determining whether work packages are sufficiently decomposed?

Whether quality criteria can be applied to the work packages to determine if they are completed correctly Whether the durations of the work packages fall between 8 and 80 hours The ease with which time and cost can be estimated for the work packages

What three criteria are used to determine whether something is homology?

The three criteria used to determine whether something is homology are similarity in structure, similarity in function, and evidence of shared ancestry. If two features meet these criteria, they are considered homologous.

What are the four elements that specify the types of behaviors that are judged under ethcial criteria?

The four elements are intentions, actions, consequences, and circumstances. These elements help in evaluating whether a behavior is ethical or not. Ethical judgments often take into account these factors to determine the rightness or wrongness of an action.

What criteria determine whether a good meets NAFTA rules of origin?

To meet NAFTA rules of origin, a good must satisfy specific criteria related to its production in the NAFTA region. Key factors include the percentage of regional value content of the good and whether it incorporates materials from NAFTA countries. Compliance with these criteria determines whether a good qualifies for preferential treatment under NAFTA.

Which type of media would be best to determine whether or not an organism is motile?

A video recording would be the best type of media to determine whether an organism is motile because it can capture the movement and behavior of the organism in real time, providing a more accurate assessment of its motility compared to images or text descriptions.

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It is NOT their duty to "Determine" if a Behavior is Abnormal. That's up to Society as a whole. It IS their Life's chosen duty to find the cause and treat the Psychological issues that cause the Socially Unacceptable or Abnormal Behavior. They Identify Abnormal Behavior using: Observation combined with thought, research, acquired knowledge, and collective reasoning. Abnormal Behavior may or may not be destructive to individuals or society as a whole. It may actually be beneficial to both.

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legislation, common sense and the wording

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the results of the factors employed

Society's main standard for judging abnormal behavior is?

Society's main standard for judging abnormal behavior is whether it deviates from cultural norms and values. Behavior that strays significantly from what is considered typical or acceptable within a particular society may be labeled as abnormal.

What are the criteria for determining whether work packages are sufficiently decomposed?

Whether quality criteria can be applied to the work packages to determine if they are completed correctly Whether the durations of the work packages fall between 8 and 80 hours The ease with which time and cost can be estimated for the work packages

What are the criteria for determining whether work package are sufficiently decomposed?

Whether quality criteria can be applied to the work packages to determine if they are completed correctly Whether the durations of the work packages fall between 8 and 80 hours The ease with which time and cost can be estimated for the work packages

What three criteria are used to determine whether something is a homology or analogy?

Its in your txt book you dumb freshman

What three criteria are used to determine whether something is homology?

The three criteria used to determine whether something is homology are similarity in structure, similarity in function, and evidence of shared ancestry. If two features meet these criteria, they are considered homologous.

What are the factors that determine whether observational learning will occur?

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Is abnormal behavior more of a function of nature or nurture?

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