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My butt-hole smells good with KY Jelly

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Q: What criteria is used in naming biceps femoris?
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What muscles are used for knee internal rotation?

- Popliteus - Semimembranosus - Semitendinosus

Would the biceps femoris of a pig ever be used for food if so what type?

The biceps femoris is not a common type of muscle used as food but it is possible. It would most likely be used as a steak.

Would the biceps femoris of a pig ever be used for food?

Yeah, it'd be ham for the most part.

What are the seven criteria that are used in naming muscles and give examples?

Direction- Rectus abdominis Size- Gluteus Maximus Shape- Deltoid Action- Flexor Carpi Radialis Number of Origins- Biceps Brachii Location- Temporalis Origin and Insertion-sternocleidomastoid

What exact muscles are used when lifting a box?

gastrocnemus, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, Gluteus maximus,medius, minimus, Biceps femoris, quadricep muscles.

What muscles are used in bench jumps?

The leg muscles are use in the bend jump. The gluteus maximus & minimus, hamstrings (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus), calves (gastocnemius, gastrocnemius) and the soleus (lower calve).

What sport is a rectus femoris used in?

all sports. A "rectus femoris" is a part of your body

What does the medical terminology combining form -ceps mean?

The suffix ceps means heads. For muscles it can be used to say how many "heads" or attachments there are for the origin of those muscles (biceps brachii, biceps femoris, triceps, and quadriceps). Janiceps are twins who are conjoined at the back of their heads. (Janus is a Roman god who had two heads conjoined at the back)

What are the antagonist muscle used in knee extension?

The antagonists would be those muscles that cause knee flexion. Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendonosis) are the primary knee flexors, and would thus be antagonists to knee extension.

What muscle is the primary mover for knee flexion?

The prime mover for knee flexion is biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. The prime mover for knee extension is the Quadriceps â?? vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris

What muscle are used to flex the leg?

The quadricep and the hamstring flex the leg. When you flew, your quads tense up and contract while the hamstrings relax. When your leg is at rest , your hamstrings contract and your quads are relaxed.

Which muscles are used more with wide arm push ups triceps or biceps?
