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A good clock is one that keeps the correct time, and is therefore, reliable.

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A good clock should be accurate, reliable, and easy to read. It should also be easy to set and adjust as needed. Additionally, the design and style of the clock should complement its surroundings.

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Is honey an insulator?

Honey is not a good insulator as it is a good conductor of heat due to its high water content. Insulators are materials that do not conduct electricity or heat well, which honey does not meet the criteria for.

How many kg of pork would feed 10-12 people?

For a large portion size of pork, you would need around 3-4 kg to feed 10-12 people. This amount can vary depending on the serving size and appetite of your guests, so it's always good to have a little extra to ensure everyone is satisfied.

When and who invented a clock?

The clock is one of the oldest human inventions , meeting the need to consistently measure intervals of time shorter than the natural units of the day, lunar month and the yearThe first major advance in clock construction occurred in Europe during the 14th century when the first mechanical clock ever made was created by one Henry de Vick r King Charles V of France Spring-driven clocks appeared during the 1400s, although they are often erroneously credited to Nurnburg watchmaker Peter Heinlin(or Henle, or Hele) around 1511. The earliest existing spring driven clock is the chamber clock given to Peter the Good, Duke of Burgundy, around 1430, now in the German Isches National Museum. The first record of a minute hand on a clock is 1475

What makes a good material for a conductor?

A good material for a conductor should have high electrical conductivity to allow the flow of current with low resistance. It should also be ductile and malleable to be easily shaped into wires. Additionally, it should have good corrosion resistance and be cost-effective for practical applications.

What characteristic does a good conductor possess?

A good conductor should have strong communication skills to effectively convey direction and feedback to musicians. They should also have a deep understanding of music theory and interpretation to bring out the best in performances. Lastly, a good conductor should have excellent leadership skills to inspire and motivate the ensemble.

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Big Ben is a clock, it is neither good or bad. It is simply a clock.

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