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The prepuce (foreskin) is the loose fold of skin encircling the penis.

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in some cases this is the removal of the prepuce or foreskin. this procedure is mainly done as a religious rite and is seen by modern medical authority's as an unnecessary procedure.

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Q: What cuff of skin encircling the glans penis?
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How do you know a male circumcised?

The male that has fallen victim to circumcision has no skin on his penis that can cover the glans at the top. The male with an intact penis will have a tube of skin that covers the glans penis, particularly when it is not erect.

How can you tell circumcision?

A man with intact genitals has a retractable skin that covers and protects the glans penis. A man that is incomplete (circumcised) has a fully exposed glans penis.

What does the word foreskin mean?

The foreskin is a fold of skin that covers the head (glans) of the penis.

How do you remove the skin connecting penis and outer skin?

In the case of infants it is torn loose from the glans after which the loose skin is either cut away or crushed

How can you tell if you've gotten a circumcision?

If you have a flap of skin that covers the tip of your penis, then you are uncircumcised. If the smooth glans (head) of your penis is visible, then you are circumcised.

Is it ok if skin is attached to glans after circumcision?

If after a circumcision any skin adheres to the glans (head) of the penis this is a serious complication that can permanently affect the penis. You should promptly seek medical attention to avoid further damage to the penis by having these attachments treated. Sometimes, skin from the shaft of the penis can become attached to the glans (head) following circumcision. This complication of circumcision is known as skin bridges. It is very important to seek medical attention promptly if you notice this condition. They will not go away on their own, and failure to have this condition treated promptly can result in life long damage to the penis in terms of its appearence, structure, and function.

When a doctor performs circumcision does he cut off all of the skin around the penis?

No, he just cuts off the prepuce which is the part of the penis that protects the glans penis. This is the section that becomes retractable in time.

How do you know if your curcumsized?

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. If your penis does not have a foreskin (the skin that covers the glans of the penis when it is not erect), then you have been circumcised. Circumcision is common practice in the USA. In Europe the opposite holds true.

Do you have to pull the skin back on an uncircumsized penis?

You may pull the skin back of an uncircumsized penis (called the foreskin) in your hygiene routine (in order to clean the glans during the shower) or during certain sexual activities. Otherwise, it is not mandatory...

Why does penis head lower part swells after circumcision?

In many cases the foreskin reaches past the glans of the penis so where it is cut away the penis becomes shorter by whatever the extended length of the foreskin is. However what can happen at times is that there is to much skin torn away from the infants glans and then cut of to be sown together again. this cause the skin around the shaft of the penis to not be long enough when there is an erection which in turn holds it back and or pulls hairy skin up the shaft of the penis

My son was circumcised at 3 months but the plastibell came off and now he is only half circumcised.He is now 5 months and the skin is attached to the glans is this ok Will the skin retract later on?

If after a circumcision any skin adheres to the glans (head) of the penis this is a serious complication that can permanently affect the penis. You should promptly seek medical attention to avoid further damage to the penis by having these attachments treated. Sometimes, skin from the shaft of the penis can become attached to the glans (head) following circumcision. This complication of circumcision is known as skin bridges. It is very important to seek medical attention promptly if you notice this condition. They will not go away on their own, and failure to have this condition treated promptly can result in life long damage to the penis in terms of its appearence, structure, and function.

Can the glans penis get cut off during circumcision?

No the glans of the penis is the same on an intact and ona circumcised penis. It is the head of the penis, the pinky purple sensitive area at the top of the penis. The foreskin is the front part of the skin that covers and protect the glans penis from harm as it is a very sensitive part of the body. The foreskin becomes retractable allowing the glans to become totally exposed usually before puberty and sometimes during .