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Q: What cultural convergence occurs more rapidly with?
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What are the risks associated with cervical cryotherapy?

Uterine cramping (often occurs during the cryotherapy but rapidly subsides after treatment). Bleeding and infection (rare, but incidences have been reported). More difficult Pap smears.

What is the difference between evolution coeveolution convergent evolution and divergent evolution?

Convergence= occurs when different creatures have similar organs...and disproves evolution, but reveals an Intelligent Designer, i.e. Creator God. Divergence = very different-diverse-features in plants or animals which ought to be very closely related. See more on the web.

Why has population grown so rapidly?

Our population has rapidly grown and is still rapidly growing because we keep getting more and more babies it is said that every 5 seconds a new person is born. This is the reason that we have so many people walking on this earth and if people keep reproducing then we will run out of space on the earth for them to live, also we will run out of natural resources and food.

What determines the rate at which food and oxygen in a cell are used up and waste products produced?

You are referring to aerobic cellular respiration. The rate at which aerobic respiration occurs in a cell depends on the type of cell and the activity level of the organism. An organism (including humans) would need aerobic respiration to take place rapidly when it is active because it needs more energy, but not as rapidly when it is at rest when it needs less energy.

Which occurs more frequently in your body mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis occur more frequently in our body. Basically mitosis occur when we get an injury or is an asexual type of reproduction. It occurs at the time of cell division and our cells need to divide often. While meosis is form of sexual reproduction and it does not occur quite often . Also, meiosis occurs more in men than in women. Look at it this way Mitosis splits once as meosis splits twice and they're not identical

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What is responsible for cultural convergence?

Cultural convergence occurs when different cultures become more unified. The process occurs from reading similar books, watching the same shows, and sharing common languages.?æ

Which of the following terms means the process by which two or more cultures become more similar?

Cultural convergence

What is the process called in which cultures become more and more similar to one another?

Cultural convergence

What happens in a cultural convergence?

cultures become more similar

What is the definition of cultural convergence?

Cultural convergence is described by Baerwald and Fraser as the contact and interaction of one country to another.

What is cultural convergence-?

Cultural convergence is a term for theories of cultural evoution and social evolution , describing how societies and cultures changed over time

How does climate affect mechanical and chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering occurs more rapidly in warm, wet climates, and mechanical weathering occurs more in cold climates.

What happens to Brownian motion when heated?

It occurs more rapidly.

What are the convergence predictions of the Solow model?

From an economic standpoint, between a rich and a poor country, the poor country will converge more rapidly.

Stomach emptying occurs more rapidly when?

when there is a greater volume of stomach contents

How cultural diffusion occur?

Televisions and the internet are making cultural diffusion take place more rapidly than ever before. I hope i helped :)

How does cultural diffusion occur?

Cultural diffusion occurs when cultural elements, such as ideas, beliefs, practices, or technologies, spread from one society to another through contact and interaction. This can happen through trade, migration, conquest, or technology transfer. As cultures come into contact with each other, they often adopt and incorporate aspects of one another into their own traditions, leading to a blending and sharing of cultural elements.