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Q: What current of warm water is called a?
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An ocean current is the movement of the surface water of the coean Currents are called cold or warm in comparison to the atmosphere Is the Gulf Stream a cold current or a warm one?


What is warm ocean current?

Warm Ocean current is when the currents of cold and warm water pass paths. The warm water dominates the cold water causing a warm water current.

Is Peru a warm water current?

No, it is a cold water current

what is disastrouly warm pacific ocean current called?

Disastrously warm pacific ocean current is called north pacific current.

The current which flows in the North Atlantic and brings warm water and temperatures to Western Europe is called what?

It is called the gulf stream.

What major warm water current runs through the sargasso sea?

no major warm water current runs through it

Is the benguela current warm or cold?

Cold water currents

Is the California current warm or cold?

Also called El Nino, the CA current is Warm.

What current brings warm water to the coast of Japan?

The Kuroshio Current.

Which current carries warm water toward eastern Africa?

current is the constant movement of of ocean water

What are the warm and cold ocean currents of the Atlantic Ocean?

Ocean currents describe itself, a warm ocean current is warm water that has a path anything that gets in way of the path will be taken by the current same for cold water also a new tranport for the water to travel to ocean to ocean

Type of current that creates warmer climates along a coastal area?

The type of current that creates warmer climates along coastal areas is called (Warm-Water)