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Vinyl strip curtains are designed to withstand humidity.

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Q: What curtain fabrics stand up best in humid environments like bathrooms?
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They are animals such as monkeys, birds, frogs and other things that live in hot, humid and damp environments

Under what conditions will bacteria thrive?

Bacteria typically thrive in warm, humid, and dark environments. This is a reason why the human body is an ideal breeding-ground for bacteria; the interior is the ideal temperature for bacteria, well-supplied with adequate moisture and nutrition, and usually dark. Additionally, some bacteria, extremophiles, are able to survive, even thrive, in extremely acidic, alkaline, or salty environments, or incredibly hot or cold environments, or incredibly wet or dry environments.

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That is not usually true. The environments that have the greatest biodiversity are typically found in the tropics. The tropics receive a consistant supply of solar radiation and are more humid than environments elsewhere. This allows greater ecological complexity in tropical environments.

Why does a temperate zone support many organisms?

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Very hot and humid or arid environments, or any environment that does not produce enough quality forage for them to subsist on.

Where is mold found?

A mold is a type of fungus commonly found in warm, damp and humid environments. It quickly spreads and reproduces by making spores.