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I'm pretty sure it's penis..

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Q: What danger's did George Vancouver face?
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What are ther dangers that George Vancouver faced?

getting lost at sea

Did George Washington face any dangers?

Yes. He faced a lot of dangers.

Did George Vancouver face any challenges?


Did George Vancouver face any challenges or problems if so which ones?

he was a British navy officer

What landmarks did George Vancouver name?

george named vancouver and vancouver island

Did george vancouver have kids?

George Vancouver did not have kids, nor did he get married.

How did Vancouver get named?

William Van Horne named it after Captain George Vancouver, who had explored much of the area.

Why was Vancouver named Vancouver?

Vancouver was named after After the British Explorer George Vancouver who Discovered Vancouver.

When was George Vancouver born?

George Vancouver was born on June 22, 1757.

What is George Vancouver's birthday?

George Vancouver was born on June 22, 1757.

When was Vancouver Furious George created?

Vancouver Furious George was created in 1995.

Who sent George Vancouver on his voyage?

George Vancouver was sent by the British Govmerment.