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Q: What date did Jacques Cartier travel?
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Where did Jacques Cartier travel?

Jacques cartier

What date did Jacques Cartier was born?

Jacques Cartier was born in 1491 in Saint-Malo,

What date was Jacques cartier born?

Jacques Cartier was born in Saint-Malo, France in the year of 1491

What is Jacques Cartier deathplace and date?

Jacques Cartier died in Saint-Malo on September 1, 1557.

Date of birth of Jacques Cartier?

Jacques Cartier was born on December 31, 1491.

What is Jacques Cartier's date of his exploration?


Why did Jacques Cartier sail ships and travel?


What was Jacques Cartier 's method to travel?

by plane

How far did Jacques cartier travel?

1,000 miles

How long did Jacques cartier travel?

7 years `

Where did Jacques Cartier travel from?

He sailed from France in 1535.

How long did Jacques Cartier travel for?

49 Hurd