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Apollo 11 lifted up on 16/7/1969.

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Q: What date did the crew lift off from earth?
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What date the space crew lift off from earth to get to the moon?


What was the date that Apollo 11 lift off?

July 16,1969

What makes a space shuttle lift off from earth?

power pure power

What is required for a rocket to lift off into space?

thrust that is greater than earth's gravity

Why does a shuttle need thrust?

To lift off the earth against the force of gravity. To go up.

Why was there only 3 people on Apollo 11?

All Apollo missions had a crew size of 3. The crew size of any spacecraft is limited by weight. The larger the crew the larger the craft needs to be and the larger the amount of consumables carried into space to keep the crew alive while off the earth must be. Eventually the weight of the spacefraft will be greater than the rocket lifting it off the Earth (or whatever planet it happens to be on) can handle. For the Apollo missions, the maximum crew size was 3.

Why do aeroplanes have wheels if they can fly?

They need wheels so they can land and take off.

What date did the Apollo 11 take off from earth?

July 16, 1969

What place on another planet was named to honor the Challenger crew?

NASA named the region where its 'Opportunity' rover landed on Mars after the Challenger crew who died during shuttle lift-off in January 1986. The name of the area is now known as Challenger Memorial Station.

Do supercomputers help guide space shuttles?

The Columbia supercomputer helped NASA guide the space shuttle. This supercomputer was named after the Columbia crew lost in an explosion in 2003 at lift off.

What comes before lift off and begins with z?

ZERO... we have Lift-off!

What is the duration of Lift Off with Ayshea?

The duration of Lift Off with Ayshea is 1500.0 seconds.