

What date was the roman catapults invented?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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I kept seeing this, but i think it was invented in 399 BC.

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Q: What date was the roman catapults invented?
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When did the catapults get invented?

In 399BC by the Greeks

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Where was the catapult invented?

David in the Bible had a catapult with which he beat Goliath. [religious scholars please correct] And the Australian Aborigines use catapults. The ancient Greeks are known to use beam catapults to harass their enemies. The place and date are probably several in each case.

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They didn't. Catapults and balista's were first used in the roman empire.

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if they were invented, every buddy, or China.

Who used the Catapults?

The Romans first invented them,

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What were some Roman Engineering?

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Were catapults around in 510 AD?

Yes, they were around in Greek and Roman times.

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