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Q: What dates the US fought in ww2?
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What countries fought against the US in wii?

Both Germany and Japan fought against the US in WW2.Both Germany and Japan fought against the US in WW2.

What was going on with Europe and the us during the Korean War?

Europe & the US were recovering from WW2. Korea was fought by MANY WW2 veterans and WW2 equipment.

Where did the US fight during WW2?

The US fought in Europe and Japan during WW2.

What war did you fight the Japanese?

Tsarist Russia fought Japan in 1904-1905. The US fought Japan in WW2, 1941-1945.

Were there any famous wars in Alaska?

No, there were no battles fought in Alaska during the US Civil War.

Why is the Vietnam war so historic?

Last US war fought by the WW2 (Greatest) Generation.

What war was the Battle of Iwo Jima fought?

WW2, the US Marines retake this island from the Japanese.

Has there ever been a war fought in Alaska?

WW2, Japan vs US; Aleution Islands.

What wars was the US involved in without using nuclear bombs?

Every war that the US has fought except WW2 were fought entirely without using any nuclear weapons.

Which country has fought in the world war 1 or 2?

The US entered WW1 in 1917. The US entered WW2 in 1941.

What date the United States declared war with Iraq?

WW2 was the last declared war fought by the US.

Why do we have 2 minutes of silence on the 11 11 11?

To remember the soldiers that fought for us in WW1 and WW2