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Q: What day and night is the same length of the autumnal equinox or the vernal equinox?
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What is the phenomenon called when day and night are the same length?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.

When are day and night the same length and what is the phenomenon called?

The length of day and night is equal at the Vernal and Autumnal equinox.

What is the difference between vernal and autumnal equinox?

The adjectives vernal and autumnal mean "of spring" and "of autumn (fall)" respectively. The equinox, when the day and night are even, occurs twice a year. Once in spring and once in autumn (fall) as we move from the extremes of the summer and winter solstices. Therefore we have a vernal equinox (in spring) and an autumnal equinox (in autumn/fall).

What do the equinoxes signify?

An equinox occurs when the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. Here on Earth, it occurs around March 21 (the Vernal Equinox) and September 21 (the Autumnal Equinox).

How many times each year do you have days in which the day and night are in equal duration?

3 Twice. On the Autumnal equinox and on the Vernal equinox.

What is the opposite of a vernal equinox?

The longest day and shortest night occurs on the summer solstice. The shortest day and longest night occurs on the winter solstice. Midway between these points (2x a year) are the equinox, where the day and night are of equal length.

What is the term for when days and nights are equal in length?

The word is "equinoctial" = equal day and night. It occurs twice a year, on the first day of Spring, and the first day of Autumn.

What is an equionox?

Occurs when the sun is directly above Earths equator

What is the time interval between vernal equinoxes called?

one year. the vernal equinox is on March 21, or the first day of spring. an equinox is when day and night is equal (12 hours daylight, 12 hours nighttime). there is a Vernal equinox in spring, and an autumnal equinox on the first day of autumn (or fall), September 21.

What does the word eqinox mean?

Equinox is the time of year when the day and night are equal, which occurs in March and September. They are known as the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes.

What is length of the day in a autumnal equinox?

During the Autumn equinox the length of the day and night are nearly equal. The length of the day on the equinox is approximately twelve hours.

Why are daylight and nighttime of equal length at the equinox?

Yes they are equal because equinox means equal nights.