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Q: What day do you put up the American flag?
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Why do people put up the American flag after a devastation?

They put it up at half mas.

How can you show respect on Memorial Day?

put up a flag

Was niel Armstrong American?

Niel Armstrong is a American. Did you know he put up a American flag, when he rached the moon?

Is this true World War 1 on Christmas day they put the white flag up and started playing football?

no they did not, they put up a white flag and started to play rugby then while the other team were playing we killed them all

Rules for flying a Canadian flag at an American park?

The rule is that the American flag has to be higher up than the Canadian flag.

Can you leave a letter in the mailbox and have the mailman take it the next day?

yes put the flag up so he knows its there

When was the first flag up at the moon?


Is it OK to cut up an American flag to repair another?

The American flag is not to be repaired but replaced according to the US Flag Code - see link below .

Why was the American flag put up?

To show peace in mankind and that America has achieved their goal of being the first country to land a man on the moon.

Can the American flag be flown in the rain?

It can be flown whenever you want it to be. But to answer the question SHOULD it be flown in the rain, no. It should be flown when the weather permits from sunrise to sunset, unless it's an all weather flag. The American should be displayed 365 days a year from sunrise to sunset, with the exception of days it is raining. If it is raining at sunrise, you do not raise the flag. If it is not raining at sunrise, raise the flag; and if it starts to rain during the day, no matter the flag still stays up and you take it down at normal sunset.

Are the flags lowered on President's day?

The flags are not lowered to the middle position on the flag poles because President's Day is about celebrating and honoring the births of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. The US Flag is put into the middle position on the flag poles when there is a death of a VIP or if you have a flag pole for your loved one. They leave the flag all the way up on President's day to celebrate the President's birthdays and their significance in the history of the USA. They lower it at the end of the day to take it off the flag pole until the next day.

What attitude best describes Matthew henson?

he was brave to put the flag even if he was an African American he never ever give up.