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Q: What day is three days before SATURDAY?
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The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday . What day is today?

Not a hard question. Today is Saturday. Yesterday was Friday and the day before the day before Fri. was Wed. which is three days after last Saturday.

The day before yesterday is three days after Saturday What day is today?


What day is two days before the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday?

to figure out the answer to such questions, start reading it from its end. That is: -the day before Tuesday is monday -now the day three days after the day before Tuesday <=> the day three days after monday which is Thursday -the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday<=> the day after Thursday which is Friday -and finally, the day two days before the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday<=> the day to days before Friday which is Wednesday

If three days ago was the day before Friday what day will be after tomorrow?

First Answer: Thursday Good try but the answer is Friday. "The day before the day before yesterday" = 3 days "three days after Saturday"= Tuesday Tuesday + 3 days = Friday Final Answer: Friday its not Friday 3 days after Saturday=Tuesday + one is Wednesday because 3 days before Saturday is Tuesday which make Tuesday yesterday so its wedesday

If the day before yesterday is 3 days before Saturday what day is it?


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The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday What day is it today?


What is today if yesterday was two days before Saturday?

Think about it, what day is it two days before Saturday? Look on the calender if you can't figure it out. Two days before saturday would be Thursday. If Thursday was yesterday, then today would be Friday.