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Q: What day of the week is Jupiter associated with?
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About how many days pass on jupiter in one week on earth?

There are 168 hours in a week, on Earth. Jupiter's "day" is about 9.83 hours. So the answer is about 17.1 "Jupiter days".

What are the celestial objects that are associated with each day of the week?

Monday- Moon, Tuesday- Mars, Wednesday- Mercury, Thursday-Jupiter, Friday-Venus, Saturday-Saturn, Sunday-Sun

What planet is the roman god Jupiter associated with?

Jupiter was not associated with the planet Jupiter.

What day is associated with the colour pink in Thailand?

In Thailand each day of the week has a color associated with it. A tradition was to wear that color on the certain day. The color pink was associated with Tuesday.

Roman god that the spanish day of the week Jueves Thursday was named after?

Jupiter was also called Jove.

What is named after the roman mythical king of gods?

Well...The planet Jupiter for one.Oh, and Thursday. Yeah sure, we call it Thursday, which comes from Thor's Day, but that's only because it was originally Dies Jovis (Jove's/Jupiter's Day). Jupiter and Thor were both gods of the Sky and associated with thunder and lightning.

What object was the god Jupiter associated with?

Jupiter was commonly associated with his lightning bolts. His Greek equivalent was Zeus. The lightning bolts were made for him by the cyclopes.

Why are the day of the week named as they are?

Sunday after the sun,Monday after the moon .Wednesday after Odin or Wodin. Thursday after Thor. Friday after Frigga ,Odin's Wife. Tuesday and Saturday ? The seven days of the week are derived from the Latin language and are usually associated with seven planets. Sunday/sun, Monday/moon, Tuesday/Mars, Wednesday/Mercury, Thursday/Jupiter, Friday/Venus and Saturday/Saturn. Though from an English perspective, it seems strange to come up with these names from the names of these planets, the week day names come from the Latin version names of these planets and/or the gods/goddess' associated with them.

Which day is shorter in uranus or in Jupiter?


What is the length of day on Jupiter?

the length of a day on Jupiter is average, 9.9 hours

1 day on Jupiter?

One day on Jupiter is equivalent to 9.8 hours.

What day of the week is named after Demeter?

Saturday is named after the Roman god Saturn, who is sometimes associated with Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture.