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September 1st, 1939

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Q: What day was world war 2 declared?
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What was declared during world war 2?

War was declared.

What day was victory in Europe declared in World War 2?

May 7th, 1945

When did the World War 2 finish completely?

2. September 1945, the day when Japan declared capitulation

What was the White Paper in World War 2?

It was the piece of paper that declared war or the 2. It was the piece of paper that declared war or the 2. It was the piece of paper that declared war or the 2.

How was world war 2 declared over?

V-J Day August 14th, 1945.

Did New Zealand go to war before Britain did in World War 2?

No, Britain declared war first. Then Australia a day later, then New Zealand another day later. Finally Canada declared war 4 days later.

September third 1939?

That's the day Britain and France declared war on Germany which started world war 2. It was a Sunday.

When Germany declared war on France?

In World War 2?

Date US declared war for World War 2?

Dec 8th 1941 the day after Pearl Harbor

When did japan declare war in world war 2?

Japan has been at war already, but after they attack on Pearl Harbor, the US declared war on them the next day 1942

When did theUS enter World War 2?

The US was at war when it was bombed on 07 December 1941; but declared war the following day on 08 Dec 41.

When was World War 2 declaired?

world war 2 was declared in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.