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The viris bomb make tons of people died.

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Q: What deadly sicknesses where there during the Revolutinary War?
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Who was king during the revolutinary war in Britain?

George III, who later went mad, reigned during the Revolution.

What year was the revolutinary war?

About 1750.

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please answer this question............ why was ben frank important in the revolutinary war?????!!!!! is that so hard

Who where the people involved in the Revolutinary War?

George Washington was most important he became our 1st president after being leader of the revolutinary war George Washington was most important he became our 1st president after being leader of the revolutinary war

How was the revolutinary war tied to prejudice?

No, you are thinking of the Civil War.

What were the dates of the revolutinary war?

1775 - 1781

Was George Washingtons wife alive during the revolutinary war?

Martha died in 1802. The American Revolution ended in 1781.

What country helped US during the revolutinary war?

Only France helped them win the war i know this because im learning it in class right now