

What decomposes dead organisms?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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Fungi, mushroooms, and other parasitic lifeforms

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11y ago

decomposers decompose dead decomposers

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Q: What decomposes dead organisms?
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which organisms in your food web are decomposers

Why are decomposes important to the food chain?

They turn dead organisms into chemicals that norishes the land.

Why are decomposes important?

because it helps break down dead organisms into making it healthy for the living organisms .

What type of organisms breaks down the remains of dead plants and animals?

decomposes break down the remains of dead plants and animals.

What type of organisms breaks down the remains of dead animals and plants?

decomposes break down the remains of dead plants and animals.

An organism that decomposes decaying organisms leaf litter and other types of dead organic matter is called a?

Such organisms are called decomposers, which include micro fungi and bacteria . They decompose dead and decaying organic matter. An organism that decomposes decaying organisms leaf litter and other types of dead organic matter is called a saprobe, saprotroph ,saprophytic .

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Certain bacteria and Fungi suit this profile

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A dead organism decomposes in a rainforest

What is the role of bacteria in the phosphorus cycle?

Well............ In phosphorus cycle bacteria decomposes dead organisms and also fossils and phosphorus is available in organisms so when bacteria decompose them phosphorus is released

Why are decomposes vital to all food webs?

Because they break dead organisms down into basic chemicals which can then be used by other organisms to grow and build their bodies, which can then be eaten by other organisms, thus continuing the food chain.

How can bacteria help farmers?

bacteria decomposes dead organisms and returns their nutrients into the soil

When decomposes break down the remains of dead organisms what do they make that can be used by plants?

All bacteria that are called saprophytes break down the remains of dead organisms. These bacteria recycle oxygen, nutrients, and other valuable resources that can be used over by other organisms. THE CORRECT ANSWER: nitrogen compounds