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Air Pressure.

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Q: What decreases as elevation increases?
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Does Air pressure increases as elevation increases?

No. It is a negative correlation which means, as the elevation increases the air pressure decreases.

What is relationship between temperature and elevation?

Temperature decreases as the elevation increases.

When latitude increases does temperature decrease?

The close the latitude is to 0, the hotter it is.

Where is pressure the greatest in the atmosphere?

The troposphere. Pressure decreases as elevation increases.

How does the air's capacity to hold water change as elevation increase?

As elevation increases, temperature decreases approximately at the rate of 12.5 degrees c every 1km upwards. As air temperature decreases, its capacity to hold water is less. Therfore as elevation increases, its water capacity will decrease.

Temperature vs elevation?

As the altitude or elevation increases the temperature decreases. The temperature drops about 6.5 degree Celsius for every I km increase.

What is the relationship between elevation and temperature?

As a general rule in the atmosphere, the higher the elevation the lower the temperature. However, certain atmospheric conditions may produce an 'inversion', where temperature increases with elevation.

What is the link between elevation and climate?

As the elevation increases, the climate tends to lean towards the colder side. For every 300m elevation, the temperature decreases by 2 degree Celsius.

Does air pressure increase as you get farther away from the ground?

No it decreases. That's why plane cabins need to be pressurized during flights. As your elevation increases, the air pressure decreases. It's inversely proportional.

How is the acceleration of a mass changes if the force applied to it increases or decreases?

Acceleration increases when force increases and decreases when force decreases.

What increases when a wave period decreases.?

When a wave period decreases, speed increases.

What decreases if frequency increases?

The wavelength decreases.