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I would say the most obvious is the length of the constituent waves.

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Q: What decreases as the frequency of the radiation increases?
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Because c the speed of electromagnetic radiation is a constant the wavelength of the radiation is....?

The wavelength is inversely proportional to its frequency. That is, as the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases and vice versa.

What do radiant energy decreases or increases with?

The radiant energy increases as the frequency increase and the radiant energy decreases as the frequency decreases.

What decreases if frequency increases?

The wavelength decreases.

Photon energy and frequency increases as the wavelength of light?

The energy increases as the frequency increases.The frequency decreases as the wavelength increases.So, the energy decreases as the wavelength increases.

What happens to signal's wavelength as its frequency increases?

Using the relationship C = n lambda C - velocity of light, n-frequency of radiation and lambda- the wavelength. So as frequency increases definitely its wavelength decreases.

As the wavelenght decreases what happens to the waves frequency?

As wavelength decreases, frequency increases

As frequency increases the energy of a wave increases or decreases?

As frequency increases the energy of a wave also increases.

As the frequency of a wave increases what happens to the wavelength?

As wavelength increases the frequency decreases.

Radiation wavelength becomes longer what happens?

In Electromagnetic radiation when the wavelength increases the energy transmitted by the wave decreases. E=hf where h is a constant and f is the frequency.

What decreases as the frequency of a sound wave increases?


As the period of a wave increases the frequency increases.?

The period decreases.

What happens when wavelength increases?

When wavelength increases, frequency decreases.