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Q: What decreases in the body as it ages causing loss of skin elasticity?
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Changes in the makeup of the connective tissue alter the stability of body structures, causing a loss of elasticity and functioning, and leading to symptoms of aging.

Why does hair colour change as you get older?

The body produce a substance called melanin which makes your skin and hair darker. As your body ages, the amount of melanin in the hair decreases and the hair gets lighter.

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What happens to the body in below 0 degrees?

The body starts to shiver, and your hairs raise to try and keep the heat in, causing the effect known as 'goosebumps.' Very slowly the body's temperature decreases from the normal 36 C - 37 C.

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Is it normal to have bruises during menstruation?

It is normal to have minimal bruising during menstruation. Decreased estrogen levels during menstruation cause a loss of the blood vessel's elasticity in the body. This can cause small leaks that can turn into small bruises. Anything more serious or that last past the cycle should be looked at by a doctor.

What causes the arteries to lose there elasticity?

When the artery walls lose their elasticity, this is called arteriosclerosis. When this happens, the body has a tougher time circulating blood.

Why do just older people get wrinkles?

Wrinkles are caused by a combination of factors such as aging, reduction in collagen and elastin production, repeated facial expressions, sun exposure, and genetics. While older people tend to have more wrinkles due to these cumulative effects over time, younger individuals can also develop wrinkles prematurely due to lifestyle factors like smoking, poor diet, and excessive sun exposure.

Who is the discoverer of elasticity?

The law of elasticity, or Hooke's law, was discovered by the British scientist Robert Hooke. It states that the stretching of a solid body is proportional to the force applied to it.

What happens if the buoyant force decreases?

As buoyant force decreases then the body starts sinking down.