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The density of fresh water is 1.0. Anything with a density less than 1.0 will float; anything with a density higher than 1.0 will sink.

Objects with densities a little less than 1 will float with most of the volume below the surface; objects with very low densities - like a ping-pong ball - will float mostly on top of the water. Human beings have a density very close to 1.0, so we barely float.

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1mo ago

A ping pong ball floats because its density is lower than that of water, so it displaces enough water to generate an upward buoyant force that counters its weight. Alternatively, a Golf ball sinks because its density is greater than that of water, causing it to displace less water than its weight, resulting in a downward force greater than the buoyant force.

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Q: What density from a ping pong ball floating and a golf ball sinking?
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How does density relate to a object sinking or floating?

An object will sink if its density is greater than the density of the fluid it is placed in. Conversely, an object will float if its density is less than the density of the fluid. This is due to the buoyant force exerted on the object by the fluid, which opposes the force of gravity pulling the object down.

What makes a gulf ball have a higher density then water?

A golf ball has a higher density than water because it is made of materials like rubber and hard plastic that are denser than water. This causes the golf ball to sink in water instead of floating like objects with lower density.

When a golf ball is lowered into a measuring cylinder containing water level rise by 30 cm cube whenthe ballis completely submerged if the mass of ball in air is 33g find its density?

The volume of the golf ball can be calculated using the displacement of water (30 cm^3). The density can then be calculated using the formula density = mass/volume. By substituting the mass of the ball (33g) and the calculated volume into the formula, you can find the density of the golf ball.

Does a golf ball conduct energy?

No, a golf ball does not conduct electricity as it is typically made of materials that are not conductive, such as rubber or plastic. The energy in a golf ball is primarily kinetic energy from being struck by a golf club.

How much more matter is in a golf ball than a ping pong ball?

That really depends but you can get a basic idea by: 1. Stab something through a ping pong ball 2. Attempt to stab something through Golf ball Tell me which has more matter? A ping ball is basically a shell on the outside of golf ball; it has no inside, and golf ball is filled inner material.

Related questions

How does density relate to a object sinking or floating?

An object will sink if its density is greater than the density of the fluid it is placed in. Conversely, an object will float if its density is less than the density of the fluid. This is due to the buoyant force exerted on the object by the fluid, which opposes the force of gravity pulling the object down.

What makes a gulf ball have a higher density then water?

A golf ball has a higher density than water because it is made of materials like rubber and hard plastic that are denser than water. This causes the golf ball to sink in water instead of floating like objects with lower density.

Why don't golf balls sink to the bottom of a pond?

They most be limited flight or floating golf balls. This is because a real golf ball will always sink. You would never find a real golf ball floating.

What is the density of a hollow golf ball?

The density of a golf ball with the full contents is about .65 ounces per cubic inch. With the air inside, a golf ball will have a much smaller density, though due to the layers found in a golf ball, this will vary based on how 'hollow' the ball is made, as well as what manufacturer is used.

Does a golf ball have a higher density than a ping pong ball?

Yes, a Golf ball does have a Higher density than a pingpong ball. I think because if a fusion is compacted real close, it has a higher density than the object that is seperated .

How do you find the density of a golf ball?

with the number of dimple

Why won't a golf ball float on top of water?

The golf ball's density is greater than the water, which the water has adensity of 1.

Is using a golf ball that has been heated prior to starting play legal within the rules of golf?

Yes, ball temperature has nothing to do with it, unless your ball loses density through heating. If that, then no.

Why is a golf ball heavier than a table tennis ball even though the balls are the same size?

Because its density.

Why a golf ball is heavier than a table tennis ball even though the balls are the same size?

Because its density.

Why a golf ball is heavier than a table-tennis ball even though the balls are the same size.?

Because its density.

When a golf ball is lowered into a measuring cylinder containing water level rise by 30 cm cube whenthe ballis completely submerged if the mass of ball in air is 33g find its density?

The volume of the golf ball can be calculated using the displacement of water (30 cm^3). The density can then be calculated using the formula density = mass/volume. By substituting the mass of the ball (33g) and the calculated volume into the formula, you can find the density of the golf ball.