

What depends on amplitude of sound?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What depends on amplitude of sound?
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How loud the sound is depends on what?

Loudness of a sound depends on its amplitude. Greater the amplitude of sound wave, more louder the sound is. Smaller the amplitude of wave, more fainter it is. For more details, contact

What of a sound wave depends on its amplitude?

More the amplitude, louder will be sound and longer will it travel.

What property of sound depends on the energy and intensity of the sound wave?

Its volume or how loud it is.

What loudness or softness of a sound is its?

It depends on the amplitude.

What depends on the loudness of sound of a sound wave?

The 'Loudness' of a sound wave is dependent on its Amplitude, hence why we have 'amplifiers' to increase the volume of something.

What is the sound of a wave?

The sound made by a wave depends on frequency and amplitude.

Intensity depends on amplitude and also on?

When talking about sound, the intensity of the sound is calculated the sound pressure multiplied by the velocity. It doesn't use amplitude in its calculation.

Which of these is associated with loudness of sound waves?

Depends on what "these" are. It is amplitude

Loudness is the human perception of sound wave?

The amplitude of sound waves is what humans perceive as loudness.

The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its?

By its amplitude. Really loudness is sound intensity & intensity depends on square of amplitude ie. higher the amplitude higher the intensity which means higher the loudness.

Loudness of a sound depends on?

The amplitude of the sound waves. (the distance it makes the particles move)

A sound waves amplitude corresponds to the sounds what?

Usually, people are asking as if there is just "the" amplitude in sound waves in air. The loudness perception of a sound is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves − the higher the amplitude, the louder the sound. Which amplitude of sound (sound amplitude) do you mean? There are: amplitude of particle displacement ξ, or displacement amplitude amplitude of sound pressure p or pressure amplitude amplitude of sound particle velocity v, or particle velocity amplitude amplitude of pressure gradient Δ p, or pressure gradient amplitude. Furthermore, think of the amplitude of the oscillation of a string. The maximum magnitude of the deflection of a wave is called amplitude. Look at link: "What is an amplitude?"