

What depth do rocks melt?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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11y ago

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It really depends what rock youre talking about

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Q: What depth do rocks melt?
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What depth below earths surface do you have to go before the pressure and temperature cause rocks to melt?

At depths of 50 to 200 km below Earth's surface rocks will melt.

Where do rocks melt?

At depths of about 50 to 200 km below Earth's surface Rocks melt at depths at 50 and 200 km below the Earth's surface.

Could heat melt rocks?

Yes heat could melt rocks

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No. It's the Metamorphic rocks that melt and become magma.

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Because the Upper Mantle has a molten layer that has MAGMA so thats why the rocks melt.

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Igneous Rocks - Rocks formed by crystallization from a melt (magma)

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no, the process only happens to igneous rocks

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The rocks don't melt because they are under tremendous pressure. High pressure raises the temperature needed to melt something.

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Give one reason that a very hot rock might not melt?

When fluids are added to rocks that are already very hot, the rocks can melt. But, the rock might not melt if it doesn't have any fluid in it.