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The parallel of latitude approximately 66°33′ north. It forms the boundary between the North Temperate and North Frigid zones.

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Q: What dergrees nort latitude marks the boundary of the Arcitc Circle?
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What is a capacity of a circle?

360 dergrees

What degrees north latitude marks the boundary of the Arctic Circle?

Approximately 66° 33' 39" N marks the boundary of the Arctic Circle

What degrees is north latitude marks the boundary of the arctic circle?

66.5 degrees

What is the parallel line of latitude that circumscribes the polar tundra zone?

It is the artic circle. It is 66 degrees north of the equator!

What is the imaginary boundary of the north polar region at 66 degrees 30' north latitude?

You're talking about the 'Arctic Circle'.

What is the parallel of latitude that circumscribes the polar tundra zone?

The parallel of latitude that circumscribes the polar tundra zone is the Arctic Circle in the northern hemisphere and the Antarctic Circle in the southern hemisphere. These circles mark the boundary where the tundra biome transitions into the polar ice caps.

What is the name of boundary of circle?

The boundary or perimeter of a circle is its circumference.

66.5 degrees North Latitude is what circle?

That's close to an approximate latitude for the Antarctic Circle.

Is the Arctic Circle a line of longitude or latitude?

The Arctic Circle is a line of latitude. As of 2012, it is approximately 66° 33' 44" N latitude.

Which tropical latitude is between the arctic circle and the equator?

The "tropical latitudes" are the latitudes within 23.5 degrees of the equator, both north and south of it. The half of the "tropics" between the equator and the Arctic Circle is the half between the equator and 23.5 degrees north latitude. The line at 23.5 degrees north latitude that marks the northern boundary of the tropics is the "Tropic of Cancer".

What is at 66 north latitude?

The Arctic Circle, a major line of latitude, is located at 66.5 degrees north latitude.

Latitude of the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is at 66 degrees 33 minutes N latitude.