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Q: What descreses when you remove salt from water?
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Related questions

How much salt can you remove by evaporation?

Evaporating the water will not remove any of the salt. Only the water molecules will evaporate. The salt will stay in the container.

Does salt remove water from food?

yes salt removes water from food

Is evapration the only way to remove salt from water?

Evaporation is one way to remove salt from water. You can also use vacuum distillation as a process of removing salt from water.

Can you remove cats urine with salt?

The salt will absorb the water.

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How do you remove rock salt from floor?

Salt is soluble in water; wash with water the floor.

what is the best water to bleach mixture to remove mold stains?

Salt and water bleach

Why remove salt from salt water?

1.) This is where we get our table salt from. 2.) Nobody wants to drink salty water.

Why is drinking salt water a big hazered?

Because the salt in the salt water will remove more water from your body than it introduces. In other words, drinking salt water will dehydrate you.

Why do swimmer take showers after they get out of the water?

To remove chlorine. to remove salt.

What does water remove from salt as it dissolves?

Water does not removed anything from salt. It simply breaks it apart into ions.

How does condensation remove salt from water?

Condensation removes only liquids. Since salt is not a liquid, when the water evaporates, the salt is left.