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The Heartwood.

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hard, stiff and rough.

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Q: What describes the inner bark of a woody stem?
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What are the six layers of a young woody stem?

The six layers of a young woody stem, from outermost to innermost, are the bark, cork cambium, cork, secondary phloem, vascular cambium, and secondary xylem. These layers provide structural support, transport nutrients and water, and protect the inner tissues of the stem.

What is The rough outer layer of the woody stem is called?

The rough outer layer of the woody stem is called the bark. It serves to protect the inner tissues of the stem from damage caused by pests, diseases, and environmental factors.

What function do woody stem perform?

The main function of a bark in a woody stem includes an outer protective layer and an inner layer of living phloem which transports food through the stem

Which of these terms best describes tree bark?

A tree bark can be best described as tissues on a woody stem or root outside the vascular cambium.

The rough outer layer of the woody stem is called?


What is a woody stemmed plant?

A woody stem is kinda of hard,big.Like durian tree & hibiscus plant.But a papaya tree is soft stem when it is a baby tree,then become woody stem when it is big.

Is bamboo woody stem or soft stem?

soft in general, easily broken by strong winds

Why do plants have a hard stem?

A woody stem

What structures inside the stem helps it do its job?

Xylem is the woody part of stem that is the conduit for water and minerals. The woodiness provides stability for the plant. Phloem which is the inner bark, distributes sugars where needed in the plant. Cambium is the divider between xylem and pholem. It has to expand with the growth of the plant. The very center is the pith. Sometimes this is hollow and sometimes it is woody.

Are oranges woody stem or soft stem?

Oranges are woody stem

Are papayas woody stem or soft stem?

soft stem

What is the difference between a hurbatious stem and a woody stem?

Herbaceous stems are soft, flexible, and typically green, while woody stems are hard, rigid, and covered with bark. Herbaceous stems usually die back in winter, while woody stems are more permanent and continue to grow year after year.