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Revisionist or conflict perspective in historiography means that historical perspectives change over time and are dependent on biases of the writer.

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Q: What describes the revisionist or conflict perspective in historiography?
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Which sentence describes an external conflict that Ruth experiences in A Raisin in the Sun?

She does not like or trust Willy Harris, even though Walter does.

What statement describes a play that is a tragedy?

disaster strikes a noble and morally good character for whom the audience feels sympathy

How does excessive pride create conflict between Antigone and Creon?

Because they are too much alike! Both head strong and confident in their actions and speech. Along with pride sometimes comes stubbornness (Antigone) and the belief that one is superior (Creon). They both have this in common creating this strained relationship between them; conflict. Creon describes Antigone as 'Daughter of Oedipus pride'

What is the minor conflict in 'Antigone'?

Whether or not to obey the royal edict is the minor conflict in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the phrase minor conflict describes a disagreement that does not involve both main characters but that relates to their main conflict. The description fits the opening disagreement between the Theban sister Princesses Antigone and Ismene. Antigone insists that their brother Polyneices must be buried and that the royal edict of non-burial therefore must be disobeyed. In contrast, Ismene maintains that the laws of the city must not be broken. The disagreement relates to the major conflict between the main characters, Antigone and Creon, over the ultimate authority figures in life and death.

What is the conflict of the divine comedy?

conflict of the story

Related questions

What best describes the revisionist or conflict perspective in historiography?

The revisionist perspective in historiography challenges traditional interpretations of historical events by re-examining evidence and proposing alternative explanations. The conflict perspective focuses on analyzing how different groups in society have conflicting interests that drive historical developments, rather than a unified progression towards a common goal.

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conflict perspective

Which best describes consensus historiography?

Consensus Historiography was a term that was popular in the 1950's. It was used in reference by the school of U.S. history. They had challenged that the Progressives and Marxists beliefs stated the US had little tensions in their belief systems. They said there was a lack of internal conflict in the United States.

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conflict perspective

The conflict perspective studies how society's structures contribute to conflict. This perspective reflects a approach.?

The conflict perspective reflects a macro-level approach, focusing on how inequality and power imbalances within society contribute to conflicts between different groups. This perspective views society as a system where conflict is inevitable due to competition over resources and power. By analyzing these structural forces, the conflict perspective seeks to understand the underlying reasons for conflict within society.

What is the conflict and perspective and the role of education in understanding globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

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Conflict Perspective

What is the conflict and consensus perspective on the role of education in understanding globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the neo-conflict perspective?

The neo-conflict perspective refers to a new clash between two people or groups. It can also be defined as the opposition of two groups simultaneously.

What phrase describes the authors perspective in Zlatas Diary best?

The phrase "a child's view of war" describes the author's perspective in "Zlata's Diary" accurately. The diary, written by Zlata Filipović during the Bosnian War, provides a poignant and personal account of the conflict through the eyes of a young girl, highlighting the innocence and vulnerability of children amidst the violence and chaos of war.

How does the conflict perspective view family and marriage?

The conflict perspective views family and marriage as social structures that perpetuate inequality and serve the interests of those in power. It emphasizes how relationships within families can be marked by power struggles and exploitation, with some family members benefiting more than others. Overall, the conflict perspective argues that family and marriage can contribute to maintaining societal inequalities.

What is conflict perspective in sociology?

Conflict perspective is when different people view an "absolute fact" about their society in a different way or with a different interpretation, like the approve or disapprove of the abortion subject.