

What desert do sphinx moths live in?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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They are most commonly found in the tropics, but can be found in almost every region of the globe. There isn't a specific desert they are common in...

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Q: What desert do sphinx moths live in?
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Where do sphinx moths live?

The sphinx moth (Hyles lineated) can be found in a wide variety of habitats. These range from arid deserts to tropical rainforests.

In what desert was the first sphinx made?

The sphinx is found in the Sahara Desert near Cairo, Egypt.

Is a moth a male butterfly?

Uh no moths are a different type of insect. They include... Luna moths, White lined sphinx, the proud sphinx, and many more so yeah butterfly's and moths are different types of animals. :P

What are the characteristics of sphinx moth?

There are many different species with different characteristics, but in general they are large, heavy-bodied moths with long, thin wings. They have very fast and powerful flight, giving them the nickname "hawk moths". Many species also have a long proboscis that they use to drink nectar while hovering in front of flowers, giving them the name "hummingbird moths". Look for pictures of the White-lined Sphinx and Pandorus Sphinx to see a typical sphinx moth shape. To see some bizarre sphinx moths that don't fit this general description, look for Grote's Sphinx or Northern Pine Sphinx.

How does the sphinx moths use coloration to protect themselves?

The sphinx moth uses their coloration to blend in with snow so preditors don't notice them.

How do sphinx moths protect themselves?

They bring back the ancient egyptians to protect them. Yeah, they can do that.

How long does a sphinx moth stay in its cocoon?

When a sphinx moth becomes an adult caterpillar, it will go underground to pupate. Most common sphinx moths will overwinter underground and hatch out in the early summer. However sphinx moths that are located in warmer, more tropical regions only take 2-3 weeks to hatch.

What desert is the Sphinx in?

It is situated on the Giza Plateau.

What kind of habitat does the Sphinx live in?

ask the Sphinx?

Who is buried in the sphinx?

There is no evidence that anyone did live inside the Sphinx, and no proof there is an inside where anyone could live.

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certain types of moths pollinate it.

How fast can waved sphinx moths fly?

Up to 30 miles [48.28032 kilometers] per hour is how fast waved sphinx moths [Ceratomia undulosa] can fly. The combination of a torpedo-shaped body and narrow, streamlined wings make them fast, powerful fliers. That's something that might not be expected when they're seen among the moths that cluster near the outside door lights to a house.Typically, waved sphinx moths prefer forested and wide open areas. They particularly favor woody areas. That's because the thin, wavy black and white lines on their forewings make them almost indistinguishable from tree bark.