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Q: What detail from the story is part of the monkey's paw conclusion?
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Which detail from the monkeys paw is part of the conclusion?

Mr.White is sorry he ever wished on the monkey's paw.

Can you give me an Example of short old epic story?

One example of a short old epic story is "The Epic of Gilgamesh," an ancient Mesopotamian tale that follows the adventures of King Gilgamesh as he seeks immortality. The story explores themes of friendship, mortality, and the quest for meaning in life.

How is the falling action different from the conclusion?

The falling action leads to the resolution or conclusion of the play

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Conclusion APEX

Which part of story often shows what the writer really thinks?

There are different parts of story that often show what the writer really thinks. This can be in the synopsis or the conclusion of the story depending on the writerÍs preference.

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i just it part of something and idk what it goes to

Which part of plot is also called the exposition?

Exposition is not part of the plot. Exposition is where things are explained to the reader, most often by the narrator but also by characters in the story. Usually exposition is concerned with setting.

What detail from the story is part of the exposition?

The exposition in a story typically includes important background information, such as introducing the setting, the main characters, and the initial circumstances that set the stage for the plot to unfold.

What is falling acting?

The part of the story after the climax and before the conclusion \ resolution. It's kinda like were every thing begins to simmer down.

What does draw a conclusion about how the main character feels mean?

Given all the evidence in the story, how do you believe the main character is feeling? Your conclusion will be based on the evidence you have, not on your guesswork. Something about the evidence will lead you to certain feelings on the part of the main character. You will draw a conclusion based on this evidence.

Examples of Climax Figure of speech?

In a story, the climax is where all of the action comes to a head. It is usually the most exciting part of the story, and most everything that comes afterward is falling action that moves the story toward a conclusion.

What does ''falling action'' mean?

The falling action is the part of a story after the climax where the tension decreases and the story starts to wrap up with the resolution of conflicts and loose ends being tied up. It leads towards the story's conclusion.