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Q: What detection methods exist for spots that are colourless?
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What is the colourless liquid that comes out of spots?

The yellow liquid that comes out of spots is usually termed as pus. It is dead white cells, ie dead lymphocytes. The clear liquid is plasma, it contains white blood cells.

How old does one have to be to get beauty spots?

One can get beauty spots at any age. They can exist in the form of birthmarks for some people. They can also appear in later life. They can be on males or females.

Do some alien races have a chain of spots on each arm?

It is feasible that some alien races could have a chain of spots on each arm. However, there is no proof that aliens exist.

What are some methods for clearing age spots from one's skin?

Suggested methods for clearing or covering age spots from one's skin are plentiful and these are some suggestions: 1. Apply fresh lemon juice at night to age spots and wash off in the morning. 2. Massage castor oil in to age spots daily for several months to help fade them over time. 3. Apply aloe vera gel to age spots for 1 hour twice a day or leave on overnight before rinsing. 4. Rub crushed cucumbers on to age spots and leave overnight if possible. There are a variety of home remedies recommend for removing age spots and store bought products such as skin bleaching treatments may be able to help.

Do motorcycles have blind spots?

Yes, they do. The blind spots are not as large as those for cars and trucks but they definitely do exist. It is difficult to keep track of a person following directly behind you on another bike even with your mirrors adjusted.

Why can iodine be used in the visualization of TLC spots?

The majority of compounds adsorb iodine and become visible if exposed to iodine vapor. Although reaction may take place with some unsaturated compounds, for the vast majority of compounds, the iodine appears to be physically bound to the material and does not chemically react. The after carrying out the elution process the plate is dried and placed in an enclosure containing iodine crystals and is preferably heated to about 50oC. Brown spots appear where the solutes are situated. When the plate is removed from the enclosure, the spots rapidly disappear and so this detection technique appears to be essentially non-destructive. This detection procedure can be improved by first exposing the plate to a very high concentration of iodine vapor, the plate is the removed and allowed to stand for a few minutes to allow the excess iodine to evaporate. The plate is then sprayed with a 1% starch solution. As a result the solute bands appear as blue spots on the plate. These methods will detect most organic substances and in particular unsaturated compounds.

Do leopards have spots?

The spotted coat is a natural camouflage, which enables them to blend into vegetation in the wild. As with the tiger's stripes, it helps the leopard avoid detection by its enemies or its prey.As a form of camouflage. It helps the animal to blend into the the environment.

Why it is necessary to spray a chromatogram with a locating agent?

It help to separate and analyze colorless substances in chromatography by reacting with the colorless substance to form colored spots on the chromatogram.

What treatment will completely cure bad acne?

See your doctor. ^i suggest trying different natural methods before going to a doctor. There are many methods, such as, putting lemon on affected areas, putting small amounts of toothpaste on spots etc. You could research this. :).

When did the dust bowl stop?

In 1935 scientists strategically placed trees in spots on the Great Plains. These trees helped reduce the wind and promote new scientific methods of farming.

Tiger is to stripe as leopard is to?

leopard is to spots

What are the dark spots called on the earth?

what are the spots on earth main or do the earth have spots what are the spots on earth main or do the earth have spots