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Q: What determines and objects ability to float in water?
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What is the term for the ability to float on water?

This would include the term "buoyancy", which is not limited to objects that float. An objects whose weight is less than the water displaced by it would float. But an object could become suspended below water by the upward force of bouyancy, which acts on all objects in liquid.

Objects float in water because water has an?

Objects that float in water have a lower density than water. -anonymous18_K

What determines if an abject will float or sinkin water?

The density of an object determines whether it will float or sink in water. If the object is denser than water, it will sink. If it is less dense, it will float.

Density - ability for a boat to float?

It is the displacement of the vessels weight and the freeboard remaining of a vessel that determines whether a vessel will float and or sink. A ship will float higher on salt water (salt water is denser) than if on fresh water (less dense).

How does the salinity of the water affect an objects ability to float?

Salt water has salt (!) in it, ego it is denser and takes more weight to displace it; the reason things float in whatever. The denser the liquid, the higher things float

How does density determine an objects ability to float in water?

when some thing is less dense than the liquid it floats

What is the difference between an objects that float and the objects thasink in water?

Objects that float in water are less dense than water; while objects that sink in water are more dense than water.

Do objects float the same in salt water and fresh water?

objects float better because chemicals help make the objects float higher. the more salt the higher the things go

How do objects sink or float in water?

objects with higher density than water sink, ones with a lower density float

What type of objects will float on top of water?

The types of objects that will float on water are foil, most rubber, and some plastic.

What determines whether it will float in water?

Whether your foot is on it or not.

Will an objects float better in water or salt water?

an object will float on salt water best