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The time at which the plant is harvested affects the level of THC. Additionally, female varieties have higher levels of THC than male varieties. As a cannabis plant matures, its chemical composition changes. During early development, cannabidiolic acid is the most prevalent chemical. Later, cannabidiolic acid is converted to cannabidiol, which is later converted to THC when the plant reaches its floral maturation.

To determine the average potency levels of marijuana, researchers need to examine a cross section of cannabis plants, which wasn't done in the 1960s and 1970s. This makes it difficult to make accurate comparisons between the THC levels of that time period and the THC levels of today.

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Q: What determines the THC content in marijuana?
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THC is not put on Marijuana. THC is a chemical that is produced by the female marijuana plant during flowering.

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Purple skunk is strain of marijuana, like panama red it is valued for its hight THC content and potency.

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No, the "high" experienced after smoking marijuana comes from a chemical THC (Tetra hydro cannabinol) in the plant. Different strains of Marijuana, also called cannabis, contain different amounts of THC. Regardless of how strong the THC content may be, there is no way you could intake a lethal amount of THC. It would require you to consume a third of your body weight in cannabis within 20 minutes.

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No, you do not get THC in your system by smelling a bag of marijuana.

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You can get THC in your body by consuming marijuana.

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no hasish has a stronger level of thc because it is the purest form of thc. its made from the "keef" of marijuana

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Thc is the only thing found in marijuana. Thc is what causes the high. Marijuana can be laced with other drugs, but the plant itself contains thc only.

How much THC can come from 1.4 g of marijuana?

Depends on the concentration of THC. If you have marijuana with 10% THC then 1.4g could give you, ideally, 0.14g,

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No. potpourri does NOT contain THC.

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