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Q: What determines which boat is the giveaway vessel?
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What must you do when you encounter another boat and you are the giveaway vessel?

fak you

When a sail boat overtakes a power boat which vessel is the stand on vessel?

When a sail boat overtakes a power boat the power boat is the stand on vessel.

What is the giveway vessels responsibility?

To take early and substantial action to keep well clear of the stand on vessel

What measurement determines the equipment a vessel must carry?

The overall length of the vessel determines the equipment that it is able to carry.

When a sailboat over takes a power boat which vessel is stand on vessel?

power boat

What factors determines the equipment a boat must carry?

Length of a boat determines the equipment a boat must carry.

What is boat in Swahili?

Chombo = Vessel Chombo cha baharini = Sea vessel Mashua or Boti = Boat

When a sailboat overtakes a power boat which vessel is the stand -on vessel?

When one boat overtakes another, the overtaking vessel is considered the give-way vessel no matter what it's powered by.

When a sailboat overtakes a power boat which vessel is the stand-on vessel?

When one boat overtakes another, the overtaking vessel is considered the give-way vessel no matter what it's powered by.

What is the primary responsibility for a vessel assisting a boat in distress?

The primary responsibility for a vessel operator assisting a boat in distress is keeping his/her vessel and him/herself out of danger.

On power boats 26 feet or less in length what determines if passengers may legally ride on the bow or gunwale when the vessel is underway?

Whether or not the boat has adequate guards or a railing

What factor determines a boat required?

the length of the boat