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Q: What developed a home computer?
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What company developed a home computer?

IBM developed the first home computer

What year was the computer developed?

a computer developed in about 5,000 years ago in china.

Why Computer networks were developed?

Networks were developed as a communication method between computers at remote sites

When was the computer developed or created?

The computer was developed or created in the mid 1820s. This was done by Charles Babbage who proposed the first mechanical computer in 1837.

Who developed the first home computer?

Steve Wozniak (1950- ) and Steve Jobs (1955-2012), college dropouts who founded Apple Computer in 1976, are credited with inventing the first computer for home use. Working out of a garage, they spent six months developing the prototype (initial model) for Apple I.

What is the smallest computer that India developed?

Akash tablet computer

What company developed the Watson computer?

The company that developed the Watson computer is IBM. Watson is a computer system with artificial intelligence, that can answer questions, if asked in a natural language.

Who developed the PlayStation portable?

Sony Computer Entertainment developed the PSP

When was computer first developed?

It was developed many, many years ago.

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