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The war was probably the greatest influence.

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Q: What developed the outcome of the holocaust?
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Which was an outcome of the nazi governments final solution?

the Holocaust.

What were the goals and outcome of the Holocaust?

the Holocaust was born from a need, its goal was to find the solution of what to do with Europe's Jews. The outcome was the destruction of the Europen Jews.

What was the outcome of the hate towards Jews in World War 2?

The outcome of the persecution towards the jews were The Holocaust. The mass murders of 6.8 million Jews

What was the outcome of the Holocaust for kids?

the same as it was for adults, it was stopped when the Germans lost control of the camps and ghettos.

What were the turning points and outcomes of the holocaust?

there were no real turning points, just escalations. The outcome was six million dead.

How was the persecution of Jews significant to the outcome of World War 2?

I don't think the Nazi persecution of the Jews had any bearing on the '''outcome''' of World War 2. The war (unlike the Holocaust) was not about the Jews.

What was the gas wagon in the Holocaust?

The gas vans were mobile gas chambers. They were developed from the T-4 programme.

What was the outcome of the twin studies in the Holocaust?

The outcomes of all twins in the Holocaust all resulted in death, a single injection of chloroform, directly in the heart, causing them to die almost instantly, but before there lives were taken, many tests had been done on them.

How has the holocaust affected the present day?

To those who were not in it, it has not had any effect. One could claim that human rights conventions would not exist without the Holocaust, but one would equally hope that society would have developed this way anyway.

Who thought the idea of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust idea of putting people into an concentration camp sort of developed over time, it was first ment to re-educate people but as time proceed, it becomes an place where death us common. All of this was thought by Hitler and the Nazis.

How many disabled people were killed in the Holocaust?

depends on what you mean by "executed". this number is most likely impossible to knowHowever it is estimated that between 11 and 17 million people died in the holocaust. Obviously this number is open to argument and interpretation. There are even some that believe that the Holocaust never happened, we call them crackpots.

How is the holocaust and the trail of tears alike?

They were not that different at all, in overall outcome and events. The "Holocaust" (extermination of Jews and Pol's (persons from Poland)) killed more people and that is about all of the differences. ______ The trail of tears was one part in the government's actions against the aboriginal population, where as the Holocaust is the collective name for all the actions.