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Q: What device is a small flat rectangular pointing device?
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A is a small flat rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure and motion?

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What is the rectangular area on notebook uses fingertip to move pointer?

A touchpad is a small, flat, rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure and motion. To move the pointer using a touchpad, slide your fingertip across the surface of the pad. Some touchpads have one or more buttons around edge of the pad that work like a mouse buttons. visit our page :

What does flat and long mean when finding the volume of a rectangular prism?

A rectangular prism has three dimension: its length, width and height. A flat and long prism is one whose height is small and length is large.

How many flat surfaces make up a rectangular prism?

A rectangular prism has 6 flat surfaces

How many flat surfaces does a rectangular have?

The question is ambiguous since a rectangular pyramid and a rectangular prism will have different numbers of flat surfaces. There is no indication in the question which shape is intended.

How many flat sides on a rectangular?

There are six flat sides

What solid figure has 6 flat rectangular faces?

a rectangular prism (fancy word for a looking at in in 2 dimensions instead of flat on the paper)

How many flat surface does rectangular?


Can a rectangular prism be flat?

yes its the same

How many flat surfaces of rectangular prism?

It has 6 faces which are its flat surfaces.

Why are the flat surfaces on a rectangular prism called faces?

The flat surfaces of all polyhedra are called faces and a rectangular prism is simply one kind of polyhedron.

How many flat surfaces does a rectangular shape have?

A rectangular shape has 6 flat sides. Those sides are the top, bottom, front, back, left and right,