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Q: What diagnosis might be given to a boy who has begun to exhibit repetitive mannerisms such as facial twitchesblinkinggrimacing and snorting?
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What diagnosis might be given to a boy who has begun to exhibit repetitive mannerisms such as facial twitches blinking grimacing and snorting?

tourette syndrome

Is snorting hydrocodone safe while breastfeeding?

Snorting Hydrocodone is never safe...

What part of speech is the word snorting in the sentence you hear a pig snorting in your ear?


What effects will you get by snorting a loratab?

The same as taking by mouth it just hits you faster by snorting them

What is the effect of snorting buspirone?

The effects of snorting buspirone are much like snorting "X". You may expirience some heartbeat skippage, but other than that it's legit.

Inwhat does snorting Vicodin do to the braq?

"Inwhat does snorting vicodin do to the braq? Hehe, I think you have your answer right there.

How long does your nostril stay numb for after snorting cocaine?

Not long enough to be worth snorting it! STOP!

Has anyone got euphoria snorting 250mgs vistaril?

Has anyone gotten euphoria from snorting 250mgs of vistaril

Does snorting lactaid get you high?


Does snorting gravol get you high?


Can snorting cocaine cause an eye infection?

Yes it can! An eye infection can occur due to repetitive snorting of cocaine over a period of days and weeks. Cocaine can irritate the eye cavity causing an infection to the eye. Most regular cocaine users will normally have blocked or infected sinus which will only help to the risk of infection to the nose, ears, eyes, and throat. See your doctor for some antibiotics to clear the infection and discuss your cocaine issue with regards to further infection.

Is snorting heroin an effective method?

Snorting brown heroine is a very effective method of delivery and an alternative to injection for many addicts. Snorting injectable heroine powder can kill you (ever see the movie pulp fiction?)