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Q: What dialog box do you use to copy styles from one document to another?
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What is another word for an exact copy of a document?

facsimile, duplicate

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What is one way to copy text in one document to another location in the same document?

Drag and drop

How do you copy Smart Art from one Word document and paste in another document?

Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V

What is the extra copy of a program or document?

Get file from another computer, across a network

What does paste mean in ict?

Copy and paste refer to making copies of something on the computer or in a document. For instance, let's say you highlight some text and issue a copy command. A copy of that data is temporarily stored in memory in the computer. Then when you want it in another document, or another part of the same document, you use the paste command to put it there.

What is a master page?

Is a template used to automatically copy or link elements and graphic design styles to some or all the pages of a multiple page document.

What is masters page?

Is a template used to automatically copy or link elements and graphic design styles to some or all the pages of a multiple page document.

What is the difference between the save option and the save as option in MSWord?

When you do a save, the changes are applied to the document you originally opened. When you do a 'save as', you have to choose a name and a location where a copy of the document will be saved; this copy will have changes you are currently making to the document. You can then exit the document without saving, and your original document is unchanged. The copy that you 'save as' is still intact, with changes. You can also do a 'save as' without making any changes, just to have another copy of the document existing with a new name and/or location.

What is the difference between a Notarized copy of a document and a Certified copy of a document?

A notarized copy of a document is a copy of the original document that has been certified by a notary public as a true and accurate reproduction of the original. A certified copy, on the other hand, is a copy of the original document that has been certified as a true copy by an official or legal authority such as a government agency or court clerk. Both types of copies can be used for official purposes to verify the authenticity of the original document.

How is the word L'hitraot written in Hebrew?

copy it from here and paste it into another document: להתראות