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Q: What did 'dominate Germany by blood and iron' mean?
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What did it mean to dominate Germany by blood and iron?

A+LS: War and the Military

What did it mean to dominate German by blood and iron?

war and military

What does it mean to have 870 iron level?

it is simply the amount of iron that is running through your blood

What did Wiston Churchill mean by an iron curtain and what did it separate?

The iron curtain was an official border (not really iron or a curtain) in the middle of Germany. Its made it clear that West Germany and East Berlin had their own side of the country. But now, they are all one country, Germany but Berlin IS the capital.

What does a hematocrit of 29 mean in an adult female?

It means you are iron deficient (don't have enough red blood cells in your blood as a result of low iron). You may require iron supplements. Discuss with your doctor.

What does anemia mean for dogs?

This means they have a low or high blood content of iron.

What does it mean when your blood smells like metal?

Blood should have a somewhat metallic smell. One of the components of blood is hemoglobin and it contains iron.

What does hemglobin mean?

Heamoglobin is a iron-containing protein found in red blood cells. It is the part of our blood that carries the oxygen.

What does a 18.8 RDW Blood Test mean?

low hb.especially iron deficiency anaemia

What does a 18.8 RDW Blood Test mean -?

low hb.especially iron deficiency anaemia

What does dominate mean?

To dominate means being in a position of power & authority over others.

What does Chancellor otto von bismarks quote blood and iron mean?

By "blood" he means the deaths of wars and by "iron" he means the technology used in these wars like cannons, machine guns etc..