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Q: What did Abigail Adams see at Bunker Hill?
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What battle was associated with the quote Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes?

This was the Battle of Breeds/Bunker Hill fought in Massachusetts on June 17, 1775.

Did Abigail Adams see John Adams a lot?

No, Abigail did not see John a lot. The reason was that he was always off, doing som political stuff.

What two famous quotes are from the Battle of Bunker Hill?

One famous qoute from Bunker Hill was, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes."

Where was Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes said?

Col. William Prescott at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Which capital city can you see from the top of Bunker hill?

The capital city that can be seen from the top of the famous Bunker Hill is Boston. Boston is the capital of the state of Massachusetts.

Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill called the Battle of Bunker Hill if it took place on breed's hill?

Breed's Hill, or Charleston Hill, is part of the overall structure of Bunker Hill, being the closest part of the peninsula to the Charles River, across which is central Boston. The American commander, Colonel William Prescott, had actually been ordered to build his fortifications on Bunker Hill, and opted for the closer position to the river. In retreating, the colonials crossed Bunker Hill moving up the peninsula to the northwest. (see related map link)

What did Abigail Adams want to see?

her husband come back safe from the war

What is the cause of Battle of Bunker Hill?

the british and the Americans both wanted bunker hill because it had a good look over Boston harbor. they fought to see who would hold hte positon

What did the commander at Bunker Hill tell his troops to do?

Do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes

Which battle is associated with the quote Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!?

Bunker hill

Dont shoot till you see the whites of their eyes?

Battle of Bunker hill, American revolution.

What capital city can you see from Bunker Hill?

Bunker Hill ( Breed's Hill) is located in Boston. The colonials seized the hill June, 1775 from which they menaced the enemy in Boston. The British did a frontal attack of the hill with 3000 men, but the 1500 Americans were pretty well entrenched slaughtered the British. But their powder gave out and they were forced to retreat.