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Because the rock sequences matched so well, he surmised that the continents might once have been joined together.

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Q: What did Alfred Wegener propose after looking at the rock sequences on different continents?
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I do, looking at the map it does look like a puzzle and all the continents look like they connect or used to connect.

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When looking at a table depicting the genetic code, the base sequences signify the specific arrangement of nucleotides that code for amino acids. Each three-letter combination, or codon, represents an amino acid or a start/stop signal. These sequences are the instructions for protein synthesis in living organisms.

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If you were looking at a real globe what would you have to do to see the other continents and oceans?

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What was Alfred Wegner's theory?

fgbiufbjiu intubate herbnbkj Ben negative groggiest digit ghirbiugflgrahgrblifbljd VDU rfhifhuyebjlydfbyu rtbkluebjydfbyur yebuydjyegyur j djhydfbvjyfjfbifg rt k def funk fnkrtjiuf flout u kuyrkbkudf I am sorry for whom needs this question should get the real !!! Anna300 He used Fossils & old Flowers that came from different continents to support his theory!!!

Does a person use chronology in day to day life?

Yes. Humans are particularly interested in looking for cause-and-effect sequences in events taking place around them. Cause-and-effect sequences are chronology.

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Serology is the study of the liquid portion of the blood, and DNA testing is looking at what gene sequences you have.

What landmass have continents once been in?

Several actually but I think the answer you're looking for is Pangaea.

What covers the central regions of several continents?

grasslands -i was looking up the same thing!

What is the main reason Columbus went to the American continents?

Looking for a new trade route to India.