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Q: What did Apollo feel he needed to protect hes from the Greek gods?
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Can greek gods feel pain?

yes they can even if they are emortal

Who is Leto?

Leto was the child of two titans Coeus and Pheobe. Leto and the king of the greek gods, Zeus, were expecting children. Hera Zeus's wife was angry that Leto was pregnant so she forbid her to have the children on the mainland of Greece or on ant islands. Zeus turned Leto into a quail, and when she gave birth she would be expected to feel as much pain as a bird laying her eggs. Even though Hera had forbid Leto to have the children on any part of Greece, she gave birth to the god Apollo and the goddess Artemis on the Greek island of Delos. It is said that Artemis was born first and helped Leto give birth to Apollo.

How did mythology help the early greek civilization explain the natural world and the human condition?

The same way mythology aided any early civilization. It accounted for natural phenomena like thunder (Zeus) or earthquakes (Poseidon is mad). Poor health was attributed to an insult made to Apollo, as he was the god responsible for plagues.

Is sentinel a reference to greek mythology?

No. The word "sentinel" has it's roots in the Latin verb sentire, which means to perceive, feel or know, or literally, to feel one's way.

What did hades feel and protect?

Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, typically felt a sense of duty and responsibility towards his realm. He protected the souls of the deceased and maintained the order and balance of the afterlife. Additionally, he had strong feelings of possessiveness and protectiveness towards his wife Persephone, whom he abducted to be his queen in the underworld.

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