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Q: What did Archimedes say when he discovered how to measure the volume of an object by the amount of water it displaces?
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When mass is placed in water displacement what happens?

Question - What is the relationship between the amount of water and object displaces and the weight of the object? Who discovered this theory? This is called the law of buoyancy, discovered by Archimedes, and basically says: any material or object immersed in a fluid will tend to rise through the fluid if the fluid density is greater than the material density. The force associated with buoyancy is the difference between the weight of the displaced fluid and the weight of the immersed material. Density is the amount of and object (weight or mass) there is an a given volume (the amount of water the object displaces). So objects which weigh a lot and don't displace much water (have a low volume) will sink, while objects which are light and displace a lot of water will float. The relationship, then is how well the object will float. If it floats, it is less dense than water, and if it sinks it is more dense than water. You might think something like a ship is more dense than water, after all, it is made of metal which is certainly more dense than water, but, the ship is filled with air, which is much less dense than water, and makes up the difference. That is why, when a ship gets a hole in it, it sinks. The water pushes out all the air and makes the total density of the ship greater. When the water, metal, and air inside the ship become more dense than the water outside the ship, the ship will sink. You are probably thinking of Archimedes' principle. Archimedes was a Greek philosopher. The story goes that the king of the day wanted a new crown made entirely of gold. After the goldsmith made it, the king was suspicious that the goldsmith made it of iron and coated it with gold. The king did not want to destroy the crown if in fact it were gold, so he asked Archimedes to figure out if it was pure gold or not without destroying the crown. Archimedes pondered this day in and day out until one day while getting into his bath he discovered the principle that bears his name. The tub was full to the rim, and when he sat down in it, he noticed that the more he sank himself into the water, the more water that spilled over the side of the tub. He was supposedly so happy to make this discovery that he ran out into the streets naked shouting "I found it!" "Urika" . What he discovered is that the amount of water displaced by an object depends on the mass of that object (not the weight). If he knew the mass of that object, and the volume of fluid it displaces, he could determine its density. Since the densities of iron and gold are different, he did a test. He determined the density of the crown and compared it to the density of pure gold to see if they were the same. Legend says they were not the same, so the king was tricked. ============================================= An object that FLOATS displaces the amount of water that has the same weight as the object. If it sinks, it displaces an amount of water that has less weight than the object. This is generally attributed to an ancient Greek known as Archimedes. ============================================== If the object is less dense than water (if it floats on water), it displaces a weight of water equal to the weight of the object. If the object sinks in water, it simply displaces a volume of water equal to the volume of the object. This is known as the Principle of Archimedes. Richard Barrans Jr., Ph.D. ===============================================WORKS CITED"Water Displacement." NEWTON/ANL Home Page. Web. 03 June 2010.

Who discovered how to determine buoyant force?

Nobody invented it; it's a property of our world, and of our universe.However, the Greek scientist/philosopher Aristotle is credited for being the first to investigate the phenomenon.In an apocryphal tale (the historical equivalent of an urban legend) while pondering how to tell whether a crown was made from gold or some other less-precious metal, he noticed that his body displaced an equal amount of water out of the bathtub. The discovery so moved him that he ran naked through the streets, shouting, "Eureka! Eureka!"

What is a easy way to measure the volume of an oddly shaped object?

Displacement. You have a beaker with a known amount of water. Put the object in. Subtract the current volume minus the starting volume (of water). The difference is the amount of water displaced, telling you the volume of the object.

How does the shape of the boat effect it to sink or float?

The science is called "displacement". If the shape of the boat allows the amount of the boat in the water to be less weight than the water it displaces it will float. If the amount of the boat in the water weighs more than the water it displaces it will sink.

What objects sink in the water?

Those objects that have a greater density than water will sink in the water. This comes from Archimedes' principle which states that a floating object displaces an amount of water equal to the weight of the object. If the object has a greater density than the water, then it would displace more water than is possible by its volume, so it sinks.

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What do you use to measure the volume of a stone?

You have to use a measuring cylinder and water.

What discovery makes Archimedes famous?

This happened in the past so we say what discovery madeArchimedes famous?Archimedes discovered that an object when immersed in waterit displaces an amount of water equal to its own volume.Archimedes also invented the Archimedes screw - a device for moving water.

Who thought of water displacement and yelled eureka?

It was Archimedes, the Greek mathematician, who discovered what is known as 'Archimedes Principal', that states that 'an object submerged in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.' This principle illustrates that the reason an object floats or sinks depends on the amount of water that it displaces. That is why a huge ship can float even though it is heavy, as it's shape is such that it displaces a huge amount of water. Archimedes discovered this principle when he was in the bath, and is reported to have been so excited by the insight, that he forgot to dress, and ran onto the street exclaiming, 'Eureka', meaning in Greek, 'I have found it'.

What formula was used by Archimedes to find the gold?

Archimedes discovered that all substances have a unique density - the amount of mass contained in a fixed volume of the substance.

The Archimedes principle is what?

He proved that a body plunged in a fluid becomes lighter by an amount equal in weight to the amount of fluid it displaces.

How is the ship less dense than water?

The amount of water the ship displaces is equal to it's own weight according to the Archimedes' principle. The more water it displaces, there is the more "buoyant"/ float-able it becomes according to the law of floatation.

How do you measure the volume of a key?

Place a key in a measured amount of water, an the amount of water it displaces is an amount equal to the volume of the key.

What is an easy way to measure the volume of an oddly shaped solid object?

by measuring the amount of water it displaces

What is thediSplacements of ships?

'Displacement' is the manner in which the weight of a ship is determined. When a ship is completed in the ship yard, it can be taken into dry dock and a known amount of water pumped in. When the ship floats, the weight of the water is the same as that of the ship. Given that the volume and weight of the water is known then the weight of the ship is equal to the amount of water it displaces. Greek legend tells us that Archimedes discovered this natural phenomenon when lowering himself into his bathtub the water level rose as he lay down and he famously cried 'Eureka' [Greek for I have it] By which he meant he had discovered that a body immersed in water until it floats is equal in weight to the amount of water it displaces

How do you measure an irregular shaped object?

Use the water displacement method. The object is equal to the amount of water it displaces. :)

How do you indirectly measure mass?

If the object floats you can calculate its mass by the amount of water it displaces and its size. If it doesn't float i am not sure.

Which metal floats in water?

Sodium. Iron will float if it is a hollow structure according to Archimedes Principle that an object will float if it displaces an amount of water/fluid equal to the weight of the object. A ship will displace an amount of water equal to the weight of the ship, cargo and passengers combined.