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Aurangzeb expanded his kingdom. He conquered the Urdu belt , some areas near the Deccan plateau & assam

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Q: What did Aurangzeb do during his reign?
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Names of two historians of the riegn of aurangzeb?

Jadunath Sarkar and Irfan Habib are two notable historians who have extensively studied the reign of Aurangzeb in India. Sarkar's biographies and works on the Mughal Empire provide valuable insights into this period, while Habib's research focuses on the economic and social aspects of Aurangzeb's rule.

How many years did Aurangzeb rule the Mughal empire?

Aurangzeb ruled the Mughal empire during the period 1658-1707. That means he ruled 49 years.

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What are some similarities between Akbar and Aurangzeb reforms?

Both Akbar and Aurangzeb implemented administrative and military reforms to strengthen their empires. They both established a centralized system of governance and increased the efficiency of the administration. Additionally, both rulers were known for their policies aimed at promoting justice and security within their realms.