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Bohr built upon the contemporary theory and models such as those of Rutherford and proposed an atomic model with most of the atom's mass concentrated in the center (later referred to as the nucleus) and electrons around the center arranged in orbits in discrete positions or energy levels; this explained some experimental findings consistent with emerging quantum theory.

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3mo ago

Bohr proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells, like planets orbiting the sun. This model helped explain the stability of atoms and the discrete emission of photons during electron transitions.

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He Discover that Kobe Bryant is way more better than LeBron James.

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12y ago

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

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Q: How did Bohr propose the particles within the atom are arranged?
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How did bohr propose the particles within the are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

What did Bohr propose about electrons?

Bohr proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom in fixed, circular paths or energy levels. These paths are quantized, meaning electrons can only occupy specific energy levels and transition between them by absorbing or emitting energy. This formed the basis of the Bohr model of the atom.

What other data did Bohr use in order to formulate his hypothesis?

In formulating his hypothesis, Bohr also considered the experimental evidence of atomic spectra and the quantum theory developed by Max Planck and Albert Einstein. Additionally, Bohr incorporated concepts from classical mechanics and Rutherford's model of the atom to propose his atomic model.

What data did neils bohr use in order to formulate his hypothesis?

Niels Bohr used experimental data on the emission spectra of hydrogen to formulate his hypothesis on the structure of the atom. This data showed distinct lines in the spectrum that could not be explained by classical physics, leading Bohr to propose his model of the atom with quantized energy levels.

Bohr's principle that emphasizing the wholeness of the duality of the motions of matter and radiation is?

Bohr emphasized the complementarity of the wave and particle aspects of matter and radiation, known as wave-particle duality. This principle highlights that matter can exhibit properties of both waves and particles, depending on the experimental setup. Bohr's view helped reconcile apparent contradictions in the behavior of elementary particles and revolutionized quantum mechanics.

Related questions

How did Bohr propose the particles within the atoms are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr propose the particle within the atom are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did bohr propose the particles within the are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr propose the particles within the atom arrange?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr propose the particles within the atom are arranges?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr proposed the particles within the atom are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did bohr proposes the particles within the atom are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr proposed the particles within the atom arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

The Bohr model of atomic structure?

Niels Bohr propose a planetary model for the atomic nucleus.

Did Neil Bohr propose that that electrons in an atom are found in specific energy levels?


What type of particles did neil bohr discover?


Who was the first scientist to propose that an object could emit only certain amounts of energy?

Niels Bohr