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Q: What did Great Britain and France do with Hitler?
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After the defeat of France which country stood in Hitler's way?

Great Britain

Did Hitler make Great Britain and France go to war?

N, He did not

What were the consequences of Hitler's attacks on France and Great Britain?

Nothing once hitler attacked france, france surrenderd, hitler failed to attack britain successfully because hitler didnt have enough air support to attack. after that britain tried to fight back at the start but failed because germany built a strong defence on channel coast of northern france

Who was on Hitler's hit list and why?

Poland,France and great Britain because Germany and Japan tried to expand and Great Britain and France disagreed. They issued a statement and Hitler declined. WW2 started when Hitler and the Nazis invaded Poland, so Great Britain and France declared war against Germany on September the 1st, 1939.

What part of czechosolvakia did Hitler take over while France and great Britain watched?

The Sudetenland

What did Great Britain and France give Hitler to appease him?

Im not sure but I think Hitler wanted to get Czeslovakia's Sutenland, so he declared war. That caused France and Great Britain to panic so they gave Sutenland away. Even though I'm not sure.

Why did France and Great Britain not attempt to stop Hitler's actions during the 1930s?

they were scared of a second world war.

What country did Hitler invade causing great Britain and France to declare war two days later?


Which policy did France and Great Britain follow by allowing Hitler to annex the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1938?

The policy of appeasement.

When Great Britain and France appeased Hitler and avoided war for another year after which event in 1938?

Munich Conference